How quickly will my site show up in search?

Your site will show up immediately if you use the domain name directly, but for people searching for your service or product it can take a while.

Websites are a long term marketing tool, not a quick fix. I optimize your site during the website build, but it depends upon how many competitors you have and what they are doing with their marketing.

Only 1 site can be first and depending upon the size of your market Google might be pushing directory websites and national sized companies over smaller local business so very quickly you can find yourself blocked out of the first few pages. If you're in a less competitive (or more unique) market your chances of ranking quickly are higher.

New sites tend to rank less well than established sites. Sites with more content (good content) rank better than sparse sites. Sites that get updated regularly tend to rank better than those that site unchanged for long periods of time.

I offer monthly SEO services including creating "service area/location" pages designed to target individual city names to improve your rankings when people from those cities search for your service.